Infinity SAV Motor - Free Energy?

The late Mr. Andrii Slobodyan from Infinity SAV (a company in Korea) demonstrates in this video a motor design that he claims will produce “perpetual motion”.

The video below his motor prototype seems to spin endlessly, all without any external power source. Andrii Slobodyan (chief engineer and inventor) demonstrates Bucking Coil Demo Motor:

Play Button Play Button
Photo of Infinity SAV Principle Motor

Andrii claims that the bucking coils (he calls them bifilar coils on his website) in his motor design will produce perpetual motion.  His website claims this test motor can increase the power by “reducing rotor resistance to the bifilar coils, with no back EMF”.

Of course, these are unverified claims and if true would violate our current understanding of traditional Physics. Our BS meter is now going on high alert…

Are these claims for real?  Let’s build and test the principle of the bucking coils that Andrii claims he was using in his motor.

Andrii’s Proof of Principle Machine:

It would be easy to also hide a Reed switch together with the watch battery.  The Reed switch is magnetic and will switch on each time the magnet on the rotor passes by.  It will be enough to pull the magnet closer and rotate the centerpiece. No fancy electronics are needed.

See a photo (below) for a possible hidden location of the watch battery.

Perhaps Andrii has a small watch battery hidden under a thin layer of copper windings?  See these photos of a watch battery and Reed switch:


To verify Andrii’s amazing claims, I built a set of small bucking coils to test with rotating neodymium magnets,  mounted on a round white plastic frame.   See photo of DC motor and plastic frame with neodymium magnets below:

Example of bucking coil wire connection

I wound a bifilar coil in different styles and held it against the rotating magnets  – to test if voltages from the 2 bucking coils would be additive or nullifying.   I tried:

  1. Bucking coil design of Andrii Slobodyanto. 
  2. Other bucking coil configurations with the copper wire – layered wires, side-by-side wire, parallel, etc.  (see diagram below)

You may see bucking coils in different configurations with green and orange colors in the attached photos.

Bucking coils in different configurations

I also tested the motor RPM to see if there was any back-EMF slowing down the motor – i.e. all while running the magnets past the bucking coils.

Photo & Video of Bucking-coils Motor Test

Here is a photo and a video of my own bucking coils test rig, using neodymium magnets glued on a white plastic frame:

Play Button Play Button


The two oscilloscope curves (red and blue color below) are almost the same magnitude. It shows the two output voltages  – from the two bucking coils – on a state-of-art digital oscilloscope.  

The screenshot below – shows the scope with channels A and B (coil A and coil B) – of the two coils in a bucking configuration. 

You may see a slight difference in phase –  due to the slight individual coil position difference of the two bucking coils.  This is because the coils are not located exactly at the same angle in relation to the moving magnets on the plastic frame, nor are the coils exactly parallel to each other.

The smaller orange-colored wave is the net result of subtracting Ch. A from Ch. B, directly with the math function built into the oscilloscope. 

As you can see the voltage from A and B (and a much smaller orange curve) is tiny. This small voltage is almost zero and might not even have enough voltage to light up an LED.

The only difference in the voltage (between A and B) is due to the bucking coils not being exactly parallel, including not having the exact same length of copper wire.

Oscilloscope picture of channels A and B (bucking coil A and coil B).

The summed output (A minus B in orange color) from the bucking coils is close to zero.  I must conclude that there is no voltage gain from this small bucking coil test i.e. no free energy, or anything non-conventional going on.

Conclusion:  The motor is not performing as claimed.

5 comments to Bucking Coils – Free Energy? Proof of Over Unity?


    Hi Nils… okay, but what you didn’t actually tell us is whether the Infinity Coil that this guy, a plumber, on his website:, and in his book, really works, or not. So? Does it? Or is it all BS? Is it even plausible or not?
    Please let me know?


    Hi Nils… okay, but what you didn’t actually tell us is whether the Infinity Coil that this guy, a plumber, on his website:, and in his book, really works, or not. So? Does it? Or is it all BS? Is it even plausible or not?
    Please let me know?

  • Dusty Rhodes

    Everybody misses it. It’s right there and so very obvious. Even Tesla missed it.
    This is a generator. If it were an alternator feeding itself instead of a generator then you’d have a real electro-gravitational, perpetual motion device. Almost every vehicle in the world has one on it, it’s just wired to take power out instead of feeding it back into itself 180 degrees out of phase.
    The electro-magnetic field would keep increasing to a point of maximum saturation at which point any additional static charge fed into it would morph into an electro-gravitational field.
    It would in effect become it’s own little universe.
    It’s how flying saucers with their seemingly impossible movement capabilities are actually possible seeming to defy the laws of physics.
    I published this concept several years ago on a website of my own.

  • Gregory J

    You’re Awesome! Thanks Nils.

  • Tom Wlazlak

    Hay, Thomas the device on the video is a Real, FAKE if it were real the people standing around would not look like they just picked your pocket.
    The truth is in viewing the people not the thing turning.
    This is a Video on the internet: first reason to believe it is Fake. if it was real it would not
    be a video on the internet. and it would have shown testing devices showing the output to the input showing it to be true.

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